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Lee, M.H.Im, E.S., Bae, D.H., 2019: A comparative assessment of climate change impact on drought over Korea based on multiple climate projections and multiple drought indices, Climate Dynamics, 1-16. doi 10.1007/s00382-018-4588-2
Lee, M.H., Lu, M., Im, E.S., Bae, D.H., 2019: Added value of dynamical downscaling for hydrological projections in the Chungju basin, Korea,International Journal of Climatology, 39(1), 516-531
Lee, M.H. and Bae, D.H., 2018: Uncertainty assessment of future projections on water resources according to climate downscaling and hydrological models, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 20(3), 597-607
Lee, M.H., Bae, D.H., 2015: Climate Change Impact Assessment on Green and Blue Water over Asian Monsoon Region, Water Resources Management, 29(7), 2407-2427
Bae, D.H., Koike, T., Awan J.A., Lee, M.H., Son, K.H., 2015: Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources and Susceptible Zone Identification in Asia Monsoon Region, Water Resources Management, 29(14), 5377-5393
Bae, D.H., Lee, M.H., Moon, S.K., 2018: Development of a Precipitation-Area Curve for Warning Criteria of Short-Duration Flash Flood, Natural Hazards and Earth Science Systems, 18, 171-183