20 September 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im led a panel discussion at the conference titled Revolutionizing Weather Forecast and Climate Prediction Through Artificial Intelligence.

20 August 2024

The seminar by Prof. June-Yi Lee at Pusan National University was held on 20 August 2023. She presented her research results related to seasonal to multi-year prediction of using the CESM modeling system.

29 July 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered an invited guest seminar at the Australian National University.

11 July 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered an invited seminar on extreme heat stress at the APEC Climate Center.

26 June 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im convened the IG31 session titled “Climate adaptation and resilience in Southeast Asian Megacities" at the AOGS 2024 21st Annual Meeting, along with Prof. Xiaoming Shi, Prof. Laurence Delina, Prof. Fei Chen, and Prof. Alexis Lau from ENVR.

26 June 2024

Zixuan Zhou and Han Liao presented their recent results at the AOGS 2024 21st Annual Meeting in Korea.

25 June 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im convened the AS63 session titled “Understanding and modeling climate impacts of anthropogenic land use change" at the AOGS 2024 21st Annual Meeting, along with Prof. Min-Hui Lo.

20 May 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered an invited seminar at the University of Melbourne.

14 May 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered an invited seminar on regional climate modeling in the Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology.

30 May 2024

Zixuan Zhou was invited to Gree Innovation, Green Life Forum World Tour 2024, to join a Panel discussion with leaders from Gree, along with three other research postgraduate student representatives from HKUST ENVR.

08 May 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im presented on the widespread exceptional warmth experienced in 2023 at the forum titled “Surviving the heat: The science and Adaptation Strategies for Extreme Heat”, following CARE2024.

6 May 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im chaired the first day of the program focused on understanding the physical science behind the extreme heat at Climate Adaptation and Resilience Conference (CARE) 2024.

15 April 2024

Subin Ha and Zixuan Zhou presented their recent results at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, Austria.

15 April 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im convened the CL5.5 "Regional climate modeling including CORDEX" session at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, along with Prof. Melissa Bukovsky and Prof. Csaba Torma.

12 April 2024

Yuwen Fan and Zixuan Zhou received the HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award for Continuing PhD Students in 2023-24.

3 April 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a seminar about regional climate modeling at the Water Research Centre at UNSW.

7 Jan 2024

Prof. Eun-Soon Im's group had a joint workshop with Prof. Minhui Luo's group in National Taiwan University (NTU).

15 December 2023

Zixuan Zhou won the Outstanding Student Presentation Award and received a prize of US$200 as designated by the section of Atmospheric Sciences during American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in San Francisco.

07 December 2023

Prof. Eun-Soon Im chaired the first session of the HKUST Distinguished Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Workshop, centered around the theme of “Climate Change and Zero Carbon Future”.

30 November 2023

The seminar by Prof. QJ Wang at University of Melbourne was held on 30 November 2023, Thursday from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. He presented the recent research of his group -- the upskilling prediction from physical process models by using statistical spatial-temporal models.

26 October 2023

The seminar by Dr. Noriko Endo at Kyoto University was held on 26 October 2023, Thursday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. She gave a passionate talk about the history and recent international activitie sconcerning the wastewater surveillance for public health.

30 July 2023

Prof. Eun-Soon IM convened sessions. Subin Ha, Yuwen Fan, Ziwei Zhu, and Yan He presented their recent results in the 20th Annual Meeting of Asia Ocenania Geosciences Society in Singapore.

29 June 2023

Prof. Eun-Soon Im's group had a joint workshop with Prof. Kim Yeonjoo's group from Yonsei University and Prof. Kwon Hyun-Han group from Sejong University. Subin Ha, Yuwen Fan, Ziwei Zhu presented their research.

24 April 2023

The seminar by Prof.Xiquan Dong at University of Arizona was held on 24 April 2023 from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. He presented his research related to mesoscale convective system cloud and precipitation properties.

05 April 2023

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered an invited lecture at Yonsei University, Kukmin University, and Kyunghee University in Korea (5, 7, and 10 April).

27 Feburary 2023

The seminar by Prof.Wang Shuo at Hong Kong Polytechnic University was held on 31 March 2023 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. He presented his research results related to emerging weather and climate extremes.

27 Feburary 2023

The seminar by Prof.KIM Jin-Soo at City University of Hong Kong was held on 27 Feburary 2023 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. He presented his research results related to fire activity under climate change.

8 January 2023

Yuwen Fan and Zixuan Zhou attended the 103rd Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society in Denver, U.S.

22 December 2022

The seminar by Prof.Chu Jung-Eun at City University of Hong Kong was held on 22 December 2022. She delivered a presentation on the role of climate change on tropical cyclone.

11 Decmber 2022

Prof. Eun-Soon Im presented her recent study about future changes in hot and dry extremes at Climate Adaptation & Resilience Conference (CARE2022).

24 August 2022

The seminar by Prof.KIM Jin-Soo at City University of Hong Kong was held on 24 August 2022 from 4:3opm to 5:30pm. He presented his research results related to carbon-climate feedback.

03 August 2022

AOGS Presentation By Subin, Yuwen, and Sze Lok

30 June 2022

Prof.Eun-Soon Im gave an invited lecture at the plenary session of the conference organized by the Korean Society of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology.

16 June 2022

Prof.Eun-Soon Im gave an invited lecture at the conference organized by the Korean Meteorology Association.

15 September 2020

Liying Qiu received the HKUST SENG Academic Award for Continuing PhD Students 2019-20.

4 January 2020

Prof. Eun-Soon Im and Liying Qiu attended the 100th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society in Boston, U.S. 

20 December 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im was invited as a special lecturer at Pusan National University.

18 October 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk in the International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX 2019 (14-18 Oct, Beijing, China).

21 August 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im wrote the article on extreme heat waves to the HKUST’s Column Space “Living Smart” in The Standard. Click here

29 July 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im, Liying Qiu and Thanh Nguyen attended in the 16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, which was held in Singapore. Prof. Eun-Soon Im played a role of the main convener in the session entitled “Impacts of Land-atmosphere Interactions on the Climate and the Hydrological Cycle ”. Liying Qiu received the Best Student Poster Award for Atmospheric Session.

4 July 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im shared her opinion about the significant negative impacts of global warming in terms of extreme heatwaves, through the e-mail interview with CNN.

28 June 2019

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk in the conference organized by The Korean Society of Climate Change Research (27-28 June, Seoul, Korea).

30 May 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im and Dr. Moon-Hwan Lee attended and presented the recent research in 2019 Conference of Korean Water Resources Association. (30-31 May, Yeosu, Korea).

29 May 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im was invited to give a seminar at ECO BRAIN which is a leading consultant firm for environmental risk management (29 May, Seoul, Korea).

8 May 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk in “Paper-writing Workshop on the Analysis of CORDEX-CORE Climate Projections” (6-10 May, Trieste, Italy).

14 Dec 2018

Dr Serge Janicot from French National Research Insititute for Sustainable Development, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, had a seminar about "ACASIS: A project on alert to heat waves in the Sahel and their impact on health".

22 Oct 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk as an invited speaker in "The Second Training Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling for Southeast Asia" (22 - 26 October, 2018, VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam).

29 May 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk as an invited speaker in "Ninth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models" (28 May - 8 June , Triest, Italy).

07 May 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a talk in plenary session of "CORDEX Southeast Asia Workshop" (7-9 May, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia).

25 April 2018

Prof. Eun-Soon Im was invited as a special lecturer at Yonsei University, Korea.

22 December 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im delivered a special lecture in the International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation for Water Resources 2017 (21-23 Dec, Maison Glad JEJU).

2 November 2017

Dr. Hyunsu Kim was awarded the New Scientist Award in the conference of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society (KENSS) (2-4 November, Gyeongju, Korea)

07-11 August 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im, Dr. Hyunsu Kim, and Thanh Nguyen attended in the 14th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, which was held in Singapore. Prof. Eun-Soon Im played a role of the main convener in the session entitled “Advances in Understanding and Simulation of Land-Atmosphere Interaction”.

05 August 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im shared her opinion that we need to seriously re-think about climate change policy, emphasizing the urgency for action to uphold the Paris Agreement, through phone interview with Yonhap News TV.

02 August 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im shared on BBC world news that “survivability” in South Asia will be limited by 2100 due to climate change.

21-23 June 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im was invited as a special lecturer at Pusan National University and delivered the lecture series (6-hour) related to anthropogenic climate change.

07 June 2017

Prof. Eun-Soon Im was invited as a speaker for “2017 Spring Special Program in Applied Mathematics and Applied Mechanics” of National Taiwan University.

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